Tikratoli Estate, Ranchi, the first location in Jharkhand to install a USFDA and CE EU class 1, Certified Covid Attenuator – Neutralizer

Tikratoli Estate, Ranchi is the first location in Jharkhand to install a USFDA and CE EU class 1, Certified Covid  Attenuator – Neutralizer.

Shycocan is a CE EU Class I certified virus attenuation device capable of disabling corona virus by 99.9% in closed environments. The device has proven to mitigate transmission of both air & surface borne Covid-19 viruses. It is safe and has no negative impact on humans, animals or bacteria and fungi.

Marketed in the US under USFDA “Enforcement Discretion Guidelines” category , Shycocan uses a patented super alloy to emit high intensity photons that convert into negatively charged electrons when bombarded against a solid surface. These electrons get attached to the positively charged Covid-19 viruses (if any) and neutralise them. Viruses once neutralised are unable to infect human cells even if they enter a human body. The entire process takes place almost instantaneously.

Each device safeguards 1000 sq. Ft area. Hence, we have installed 4 such devices to ensure the entire convention hall is protected against transmission of Covid-19. Virology lab test reports have confirmed its efficacy and also show the device is equally effective against all forms of Corona & Influenza family of viruses.

This device is not a UV, nor an air ioniser, nor a sanitiser, it is first of its kind. We have installed it in our centre to ensure our occupants are protected against transmission of the corona virus. However, please note this is not a cure for Covid-19, but a mitigation technology.